Rangpur Golf & Country Club

RGCC Membership Instructions
1. Membership Fees : (wef 01 Apr 2015)
a. Defence Services Officers (Serving & Retired) – Entry Fees Tk 5000.00, Monthly Fee Tk 300.00.
b. Serving Govt officers ( Civ)- Entry Fees Tk 25,000.00 , Monthly Fee Tk 500.00.
c. Civil and Other - Entry Fees Tk 1,00,000.00, Monthly Fees Tk 850.00.
d. Foreigners- Entry Fees Tk 5,00,000.00 (US$ 5000), Monthly Fees Tk 1000.00 (US$ 10).
2. Except serving Def Svcs Officers membership of all others are subjected to security clearance please.
3. Contacts for any other details are:
a. Member Secretary: Lt Col Fazle Rabbi, psc Telephone Numbers; 0521-67300 extension 2052 (office).
b. Golf Clerk: 01741599977.
4, If any member is having dues for 3 months, he will be intimated by telephone call from the club to clear his dues immediately. If by next one month he fails to clear his dues his membership will be cancelled with intimation to him.
5. Prior to be posted out Army member needs to request for continuation of membership as ‘Sleeping Member.’ In order to discontinue membership of RGCC Army member needs to apply in prescribed form (below left).